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Does Anyone Else Think There Are Very Strange Photographs?

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sandyRoe | 22:52 Wed 26th Jun 2013 | ChatterBank
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* 'These', rather that 'there' ^
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They are. A lot of those are quite disturbing somehow!
I think they're great. Very quirky and atmospheric. Some of them look like they could have been straight out of Twin Peaks. Very surreal.
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They remind me of the work of Diane Arbus. They're unsettling somehow.
Some are quite disturbing, but each makes you want to know more about the back story - fascinating.
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I found them very unpleasant and disturbing.
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Some seem slightly surreal. If they're meant to depict anything it's the mind's eye of the photographer, I'd guess.
Rob. That's what I think is good about them. You have to look at them and try and imagine a story that will fit the photographs. Well at least that's my opinion. There again I might just be talking out my **se.
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I thought they were pretentious..........
I found them strange but fascinating.
very odd
Art photography like this is great.
yes sandy, particularly the ones that are trying to shock just for the sake of it

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Does Anyone Else Think There Are Very Strange Photographs?

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