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shake it up shake it up

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pepper69 | 22:10 Sun 06th Apr 2008 | Music
4 Answers
I heard a song on holiday some of the lyrics are come along and touch you toes come and show me just how it goes and the chorus is shake it up shake it up does any one know??????


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You were either watching the kids' animated show Dragon Tales - or listening to Coolio. Hard to say!
Well my son was Entertainments Manager for Thomas Cook at their hotels in various locations over the last four years and that is their club song all over holiday destinations/ hotels in Europe !! How many times have I stood up and had to do that damn club dance - think it IS called Shake it Up Shake it Up - could find out if you are desperate to know? "Touch you ears and touch your nose and touch your neck and etc etc etc and end "shake your bodyline"
Have just spoke to my son and he said it is called Hold Your Head and you can only get it from Thomas Cook Ents Team when you are on holiday!!
Stevie s - hold your head .... I can't get this outta my head Media URL:

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shake it up shake it up

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