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Im Hearing Voices From My Laptop ??????

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anneasquith | 13:43 Fri 28th Jun 2013 | ChatterBank
16 Answers
and I have not opened any adverts !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


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got youtube open? or any other site?
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Shut down and restart your browser, flush the gremlins out.
Ignore it, it's just the old ghost of Microsoft................
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ooft,,,,,,,,,,,,,its an advert for nurofen,,,,,,,,, is it sqad ?
On here Anne?
Don't worry it's just GCHQ staff ordering sarnies from the canteen.
sorry, i'll shut up
This happened to me a while back

but it seems to have resolved itself over time - and without technical intervention, although I wouldn't say that it's completely gone yet!
sure you are not psychotic? (!) x
wear a tinfoil hat.
You are possessed! I always had suspicions!
Do a search for the following file on your pc. I have had a look round and it is part of a virus that delivers pop up ads. Others have reported this problem and Malwarebytes has resolved it for them.

My sister and I were both on our computers, but were laughing and having a joke, when a man's voice came out of my sister's computer singing, "I can hear youuuuu!" It gave me the creeps and I still can't work out how it happened.
I used Malwarebytes on mine, and it didn't find anything. This problem happens quite a bit, apparently - if you look on Google there are a lot of different solutions posted there, I tried several, and used to think that I'd solved it, but they would gradually creep back.
(I promise that I'm not paranoid,or disturbed! No tin foil hats for me!)

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