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If You Have A Code Offering 50% Off Your Next Purchase Does It Cover All You Buy Or Just One Of The Items?

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sandyRoe | 13:24 Sun 30th Jun 2013 | Shopping & Style
12 Answers


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sandy, something i have done when shopping online is to put the stuff i want in the basket, got to checkout and put the code in, then see how much money the total reduces by. Provided you don't give your payment details or press pay now or send order, the order wont go through and you can decide whether to buy or not.
13:40 Sun 30th Jun 2013
Do you have a link so we have more info ?
I don't know what it's like in other shops, sandy, but in the sports shop I used to work in, the 50% (Or any discount offer) discount would only be applied to full-price items, because we couldn't put a double discount through the tills.

Probably best to ring the store and speak to the Manager.
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I bought a pair of trousers here. They sent a code in an e-mail offering 50% off next purchase. Would I get two for the price of one if I ordered a couple of shirts?
what do the t and c in the email or on the leaflet say?
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I haven't looked at the small print. Might be better to phone them tomorrow and ask.
Get a magnifying glass out. There will be smallprint terms and conditions somewhere.
sandy, something i have done when shopping online is to put the stuff i want in the basket, got to checkout and put the code in, then see how much money the total reduces by. Provided you don't give your payment details or press pay now or send order, the order wont go through and you can decide whether to buy or not.
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I'll do that, Woofgang.
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I see a line now with the weasel words, 'Selected styles'. Which is usually a euphemism for tatt they couldn't give away.
If something seems too good to be true, it usually is.
oh dear.....
You should purchase from somewhere that sells both trousers and Ferraris.
Question Author
But the small print would probably say if you buy the car you can have the trousers half price.

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If You Have A Code Offering 50% Off Your Next Purchase Does It Cover All You Buy Or Just One Of The Items?

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