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jaynethepain | 18:19 Tue 02nd Jul 2013 | Body & Soul
4 Answers
I have a tickly dry cough which has got progressively worse over the last day or two. It's non-productive so I'm not coughing anything up but it's very dry and when a bout takes hold it's very distressing not only for me but also for my poor husband (or anyone else in the vicinity) to hear and watch. It is making me heave and spit, nose and eyes run and at its worse, results in a prickly sensation right across my chest and top of my arms - this is the bit I don't like!

I am taking amoxicillin (I was prescribed some a few months back as a precaution after a minor op) which has made me feel a lot better.

Should I go to the doctors or is it just a nasty virus I need to see out? Any comments very gratefully received.


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There`s a bug going around at the moment. I`ve got it too although the cough bit didn`t last long - it went more into my sinuses. It`s probably viral. Pholcodine is really good for a dry, non productive cough. That`s what I always take.
Do you have any allergies? Hay fever, asthma, some medications could cause it.
I agree with 237SJ

No need to see your doctor.
I swear by Sandersons Throat Specific Linctus - you can get it in Boots, it tastes like battery acid but it's very effective.

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