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How Can This Ever Permitted?

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RATTER15 | 08:17 Wed 03rd Jul 2013 | Religion & Spirituality
8 Answers
Ok it hasnt gone through yet...

This is disgusting, but then again this how Christians have been recruiting for centuries, do as we say or else...

Not exactly civilised now is it!


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It's just a proposal. When I think of the utter garbage I hear proposed over here I appreciate when it gets slung out. I'd expect the same for this over the Pond. Any extremist fool can propose anything, doesn't mean they always bring the masses on board.
I have to question their justification for this.
It's the only way to get them to accept their Lord and saviour and become saved. It's a public service nudge.
Is Arizona part of the Bible Belt? Showing they're on Gods side probably won't do these Republican politicians any harm at the next election.
At least even if it did pass it would be shot down "before the ink dried" under various parts of the US Constitution...
This is just a bit of nonsense, and I don't think we should get too over excited. Even in America, this is too daft to succeed.
is it a late April fools
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How Can This Ever Permitted?

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