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how to make money fast

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crisgal | 11:19 Wed 25th Jul 2012 | ChatterBank
33 Answers
i am sick and tired of being skint.
not enough coming in to pay what's going out - result - misery :(


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Pls - someone explain - ah'm off :)
Are your wages not pro rata'd?
There are always lots of practitioner jobs out there full time, even more if you have a level 3
just seen this on Yahoo home page
You could go into the banking business. I've a nice little 12 bore with stock removed and cut down barrels that will help you get started. Lots of people seem to do the job and manage quiet nicely so you shold be OK, unless of course, you happen to meet an off duty SAS man who objects to his money being transfered with out his permission.
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the wages are spread out through the year.
i'm level 4
i am really happy in my job.
As has been said, Ebay is one way to make money. I go to jumble sales, buy items for 20p and then sell them on for profit on Ebay (just sold a 20p pair of Levi's for £14).
I also go to the local sale rooms, buy at auction and sell things on. My best buy was a box containing 35 pairs of old ladies shoes (but good makes) I bought for £1 and made £497 profit!
Another easy one is to make money from writing tips/letters to magazines. I recently cribbed a "handy tip" from an old magazine in the dentists waiting room, re-worded it, sent it to a different magazine with a photo and was paid£40.
Are you any good at making things? One of my best moneyspinners is recycling old denim jeans. I make kids aprons, peg bags and patchwork tote bags from old jeans.
These are just a few easy ideas for making money from home. Good luck
Did you mean 'old ladies shoes' or 'ladies old shoes'?
ladies shoes which were used, and had belonged to an old lady

Those shoes paid for me and my best friend to go to Iceland (the country, not the shop) to see the Northern lights, and also a trip to Manchester to see Neil Diamond
You could try looking at your shopping habits - you can save loads by shopping at Aldi (my kids prefer some of he Aldi stuff to brands).
There is also Craft's idea from another post about paying tradesmen "in kind" rather than cash.

mental actress?? please explain the joke - i usually get'em!

Yeah me too ..... can anyone explain ?
Perhaps nibble meant 'phone actress'?

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