@Goodlife - Do you deliberately intend to insult the intelligence of your readers and respondents to your threads, or is it purely accidental?
Why must you always question whether your respondents are myopic, or merely too stupid to see?
"Do you not see what appears to one person to be good news may not be viewed as good news by another."
How can you fail not to see the unintential irony of you posting that sentiment? How can fail to be aware that what you consider "good news" is, first, not news at all in the sense that you have no evidence or fact to support it, and second, as you so correctly point out, perhaps not good news to believers in other faiths, or none?
And why do you continually simply reference a scriptural passage? If it has relevance, repost it here so we can see for ourselves. I have no desire to search for the specific piece of ineffable wisdom you seek to bestow upon the rest of us.....