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Woohoo!! Mamya's Back!

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albaqwerty | 14:40 Sat 06th Jul 2013 | ChatterBank
17 Answers
Hope you had a lovely time xx


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And cupid has arisen
Oh how lovely, thanks - I had a great time thanks. Weather not very kind early on but we still did lots of fun things, am now quite tired and feel I have gone slightly deaf LOL

I love them really and they move back to UK from Germany in two weeks, so better get used to the noise again soon.
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which still begs the question, where on earth is JJ?
I miss her.
Yes, missing her too, I meant cupid04 is now awake
waves to everyone....
Welcome back Mamya! So glad you had a nice holiday :-)
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does cupid ever sleep?

Hey Sloopy xx :-)

Hi Sibs xx and Kingy xx

a warm welcome return, mamya
Hi, your Greenness x
Welcome home Mamya - you brought some decent weather back with you! Where did you go?
Waves to everyone, purrs to maj.
Llansannan near Denbigh.

mwah albs

nice to see (His Felineness) out and about too
Croeso nôl Mamya! Mor falch oedd gennych gwyliau 'n glws.

With ice and a slice please.
Hello everyone, waves, I'm up, lol, you cheeky buggers! Hope you had a nice time. Was the weather good. It's always rained when I've been to Wales. Did you visit Port Myrion? [don't think that's how you spell it] I went there but was disappointed I never saw Rover!
Not good early part of the week but gradually improved, typical - no didn't go , have been before though.
Hi Mamy you had nice time and enjoyed your grandkiddies. Conn

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Woohoo!! Mamya's Back!

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