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Charmer Or Chancer?

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gness | 16:43 Sun 07th Jul 2013 | ChatterBank
27 Answers
Arrived at Kettering Station from Liverpool and a friend and I got into the last taxi. The fare to home is always £12. I noticed a really agitated business man behind us trying to phone a taxi and asking our driver if he could radio for was the answer.
I asked him where he was going. To the hospital for an important meeting and he was late. I told him it was not on our route but if he wanted to share with us we would make a detour to help him out.
He was really grateful...told us half a life story and when we stopped at the hospital he opened the door, jumped out and shouted...Thank you ladies.
The fare to home then came to £15.60.
Would you have offered to contribute as we had gone out of our way? I would...and he wasn't overly dishy to compensate either. x


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He moved from there to to London

Well there you go gness, there's the answer.
Tight git! I cant believe h got away without paying a single penny. I wonder how many times he has done that before.
He should have at least offered
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Was a bit mean when we had got him out of a tight spot...I think I would have slipped a fiver to the driver towards the fare....out of graitude...x
Hi gness...He may have been a medical consultant. Perhaps Sqad will agree, they are chaps who believe that you should pay for just saying hello to them.

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Don't think so Al...or he'd have charged us for the pleasure of his company..
...;-) x

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