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Would Feet Immersed In A Basin Of Iced Water Help Cool You Down?

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sandyRoe | 19:21 Sun 07th Jul 2013 | ChatterBank
20 Answers
It's hot here.


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Lovely, isn't it!
yes, or an ice bath !!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Why are you complaining? Hot is good :)
Hi sandy it would certainly give you very cold feet! Try running your wrists under cold water,that's said to work,please don't complain about thee hot weather,it won;t last long Ha ha.
Certainly would sandy, have your ankles swollen ?.
Apologies about typos I need to be more careful.
Me and my daughter are sat outside the front of our house waiting for a Chinese T/A. It's about 21 deg. Lovely.
A cold compress on the forehead would be better at cooling you down, or even on the back of the neck.
Loving this hot sultry weather !!! Perfection.....
It's too hot for me out and not allowed too much sun due to meds I'm on. Went to get supplies and had a coffee and read some of my book in the shade then have been hiding indoors with a fan on.

I've never been one for hot weather though.
It was 23 here today and it's winter.
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There was a fan stored away under a load of rubbish in the spare room. I dug it out and it's still working. There's refreshing wafts blowing about me even as I speak.
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But there might be a price to pay. I'll probably have a stiff neck in the morning.
Ice cold water in your hot water bottle can help to cool you down too.
Dog was getting rather wiffy so got the hosepipe and shampoo on her in the back garden this afternoon. Normally she hates getting wet but today she enjoyed it. Turned the hosepipe on myself afterwards to cool off. Lovely. 26 degrees, bees & butterflies everywhere.
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Do you know Maydup, I have never thought of putting cold water in my hot water bottle before? Duh - definitely going to try that tonight thanks, the bedroom's like a sauna!
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