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I Have Earache

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slinky.kate | 01:02 Mon 08th Jul 2013 | ChatterBank
65 Answers
I am tired but I don't know if i'll sleep,i have taken painkillers which helped.i think I have a cyst or something as its more on the outside,will phone to see doctor tomorrow ,I will get same day appointment


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LOL, that'd rule me out, then, kate :-)
They are not sold as ear buds in my experience, they are handy for lots of jobs except poking in your earholes.
no wonder my ear buds last me such a long time - I never have any "jobs" for them.
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your right mammy it says cotton buds on the box
Years ago I remembered the old folk used the kirby grip Urgh disgusting.

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I Have Earache

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