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Friday Night.......

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DJHawkes | 18:48 Sun 07th Jul 2013 | ChatterBank
16 Answers
Garth did 2 shows in vegas, Saturday morning he made a 1600 mile trip by jet to Norman Oklahoma to do the twister benefit concert with Toby Keith and Willie Nelson for no fee or expenses , then got back on the jet and flew 1600 miles back to vegas for his saturday night shows. And if I only knew that about him I would admire and respect him., he's my hero.


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He's an all round American hero. Shame he cannot sing.
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I love willie nelson.
I love matt bellamy from, muse but he can sing well with no help, your garf is not my cup of tea, but glad he is making you happy, we are all different
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Mrs Brooks is amazing too
well done Garth, I would love to see him live, maybe next year in Vegas, but he has got to sing "low Places" just for me !
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Dee he is touring next year and (supposedly) coming to Dublin, my daughter and I are already saving up!
I'd never heard of Garth Brooks before. Now i see why ...
Hows the Garth fund going, dot ?.
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Due to my small lottery win from may it is quite healthy and we have enough for ferry and hotel lol
It's looking good then, dot.
sorry if have asked this before but why is he not coming here only to Dublin ? even though I hate the O2 I would go there to see Garth.
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It's speculation more than actual confirmation of anything Dee, he always had and has a huge following in Ireland.

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Friday Night.......

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