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Who Is At The Door ?

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wolf63 | 12:23 Tue 09th Jul 2013 | ChatterBank
12 Answers
I was going to post this in the religion section but didn't want to upset anyone so I am posting it here.

I find it amusing ~ I hope that you do too



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C'mon, answer this door,
make it snappy!
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Can you eat alligator steaks?
Blocked by our web filter as 'Tasteless and Offensive' !!
See you later alligator!

Security says, . . . . . Don't go there!
Welshyorkie - Your web filter sounds like a barrel of laughs :o)
wake you up if you were fetching the milk in wouldn't it
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Baldric - I thought that you worked from home, do you have security software or kiddie filters?

What about ~
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It was McAfee wot did it !
Question Author
McAfee is a nasty word as is Norton.

I work a couple of afternoons a week in Oxfam. I got caught going into a dodgy site (I was trying to find out the value of some cards with birds on them) and the next day my boss got a call from HQ. He had a chat with me but, luckily, he thought that it was funny. :-)

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Who Is At The Door ?

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