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netibiza | 14:06 Wed 10th Jul 2013 | ChatterBank
13 Answers
Am still amusing myself with your 9x table. I try to catch myself out, but it works everytime. Any ideas for 7x table?


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Neti...I can't recall how I taught 7x....but I will cast my mind back and have a think.
I will also look at Chinese finger maths. I did a course on this in Canada and it was friend and I shopped tapping our fingers on the trolley and always got the right total.
I went into labour half way through and never finished the course but I'll give it another go if I can find the same system.....Google Chinese finger maths and see what comes up...x
There must be something with Guinness glasses?
Hey Dave! For your cheek do me a favour? How supple are you? See how far 9x goes using fingers and toes....does it work? x

You still out in that garden gness?
My toes are definitely physically there - but touching them is purely theoretical :(+)
Yes I am, for lunch. Ponds are finished...surrounds cemented and most of it planted up.
Planting the side of the garden I degrassed last year and then on to the right hand side.....lots of grass to lift there and of course digging under it is I hire a rotovator...or a man? ;-) x
Try harder, Dave....Neti and I are counting on you...;-) x

What degree of versatility does one require ?
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I'm not gness, I'm counting on my fingers!!!!!
Good legs....hairy arms....the odd tattoo would be nice....That'll do really..
...Tallish would be good.....:-) x
Naughty Neti!....Though we could go one higher with Dave....;-) x
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Blimey jo I'm not Stephen Hawkin, that's difficult!!

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