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DJHawkes | 22:01 Mon 08th Jul 2013 | ChatterBank
7 Answers
parish council has put up dozens of union flags on all the businesses through the main street, it looks fabulous, quite a surprise as they were up for the jubilee last year and then right through the olympics but they must have decided Andy Murrays win deserved the honour, it does lift the spirits


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What a brilliant idea. Hope other villages do the same.
Oh I do love it when you lot do things like it looks great!...x
I've still got a small Union Jack up in my garden since last years jubilee and Olympics.
We have the UJ flying year round. I'd rather it was the Cross of St George but, hey.
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they are proper big flags on poles, at christmas they put small xma trees with lights in the same holders on all the fronts of the shops, bank. pubs dentist etc, looks good then too but in the sunshine today it looked so festive and colourful
Great idea and sounds like you have a very positive parish council DJ.
DJHawkes Our nearest town has done the same , Barnard Castle, must be in prep for the Royal Baby? BTW handsome Avatar , who is it?

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