It does worry me a bit when my friends won't drive when we go out, because they "have to" drink.most of us take turns, but i think if you can't enjoy yourself sober, you either have a problem with alcohol or a problem with your friends.
I do like the odd glass of wine, but since having kids have become quite a lightweight anyway.
I think you are being a bit quick to judge and generalising.
If you see the same person referring to 'needing/must have a drink' you may have a point, if it is a range of people then I really don't see a problem.
It is also worth bearing in mind that many describe an incident that has occurred in their lives and then claim they need a drink but go nowhere near the bottle as it is an oft used phrase.
was going to say the same...I quite often say its wine o'clock or a similar phrase but end up with nothing stronger than fruit squash..more subtly though I do think that the common usage of such phrases does indicate a change in attitude to alcohol.
I decided that I was drinking too much, so decided to give it a rest for a bit (and your liver can regenerate if you can manage to give it 6 alcohol free weeks)
Since beginning of July have only slipped once. (nobody is perfect). Have saved money and lost 3lbs. Will keep going.......
I think people do drink more these days and it`s more so since the huge increase in the wine market. It seems more innocuous to have a glass of wine at 6 o clock whereas knocking back the scotch at that time might seem a slightly different kettle of fish. The end result is the same though.