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gness | 23:09 Sat 13th Jul 2013 | ChatterBank
7 Answers
Alive: Rankin Faces Death....what a moving progamme.
How brave and selfless are some people....x


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Worth watching then? We recorded it.
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Well worth watching, Pixie....x
I'll watch it tomorrow. Will come back and let you know x
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Do, Pixie....some amazing people....brings you up sharp when you see how others cope while we moan about such little things....x
Well, my OH deleted it. So couldn't watch it. I can't find it on catch up or anywhere :-( xx
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Kill him, Pixie.....sometimes it's the only way...;-)

It'll be on again I'm sure....x
Lol. I expect you're right. On both counts...xx

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