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Well What A Week!!

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RATTER15 | 17:29 Sun 14th Jul 2013 | ChatterBank
34 Answers
Busiest week of my life. We are now living in dreamland and loving every miniute :-)

I will sort some pictures to put on here, we have only just got internet and phone etc. No internet on PC yet just on router and mobiles, If I get chance to to put in an extension to the office tomorrow, we will have PC's connected as well. We are slowly getting organised.


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Glad to hear from you Ratter - good luck to both of you and I hope the menagerie is settling in :)
Best of luck in your new home. Will look forward to seeing some pics. x
Phew Mrs Chappie - wot a scorcher :+)
Aye that your trunk I can see twitching? :o)
Very best wishes to you Ratter in your new home and new location - wow what a sizzling week to move, bet the heat wasn't nice?
Croeso I Gymru Ratter. x
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For shame mrs.c Making reference to dave's trunk when you appear to have on far too much clothing for prevailing conditions. :-)

I really really envy Ratter. We once thought about buying a pub in Wales (long before the smoking ban and the recession) maybe we should have done what he has done.
at last I thought you had disappeared forever !!!!!!!!!!! I hope the journey for mum was ok. hi to cara. a new chapter in your lives. good luck... anne.
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Thanks all for the good wishes. MIL has totally changed, she is so much brighter, we were really worried she wouldn't cope with the trip but she was awake and loved the whole journey, she is now jolly and chatty, the best we have seen her in 12 months. it must be this Welsh air. I have finally got the broadband up and working but so dreadfully slow most pages just time out before they load, so we still have a few problems. apart from a few minor glitches we are loving every minute of this place and the people are so friendly and welcoming.
Great stuff RATTER, nice bonus that with the MIL.
Welsh air......and infectious happiness perhaps? Nice to hear from you, Ratter...x
Glad your move went smoothly and you are starting to settle in. X
Our North wales air is wonderful, and the scenery is enough to put a smile on your face. X
Croeso y Gymru. X

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