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Has Everyone Been Enjoying The Weather This Last Week?

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AB Editor | 10:12 Mon 15th Jul 2013 | ChatterBank
53 Answers
It's been almost too good to be true. How have you been spending your sunshine?


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I'm off to enjoy the late afternoon sun....much more pleasant than the pervading claustrophobia in my study.
Well...there was I...enjoying the sun and a bloody great black cloud arrived from nowhere....and no silver lining......ah well.... :-( x
I've bee hiding from it, had Wimbledon last weekend so this weekend I opted for coffee and my book in the shade, a leg and bikini wax, manicure and pedicure...and managed to have a nasty fall after going flying in the bath/shower and now have some very sore bruised ribs and a very painful bruised arm...oops! I got bought lots of ice cream today though :)
Far too hot for me, a few degrees cooler and a nice breeze wouldn't go amiss at all !! My poor old dog is only comfy lying in front of the fan which is on all the time. I long for some rain to freshen everywhere up.
we had a brief splodge of rain yesterday morning...... I've just watered the garden, a nightly routine at the moment. Fabulous day today, shame I was working for most of it.
I love to see the sunshine, and to sit in the garden is a treat - but - almost impossible because of continuous noise from other people who think it is their given right to shout all the time, and then light the blasted bbbq's! The school holidays start on Friday, so it will be off to the allotment daily for us, where we can sit in the quiet!
Don't worry boxy it's going to last for a while yet ......
And people always clean their cars don't they with the radio blaring at full belt (lol).
Not round here, they don't - I've only ever seen one person in our road cleaning their car (and it's not me)
Well yours is only one road in the whole of the country .... !
It would be nice if it would rain overnight my garden looks a bit sad at the mo.

Just building up a nice tan and now I have found I'm allergic to the suntan lotion, my face is sore and itchy, not a good look.
Been kayaking, cycling, going to music festivals and best of all I don`t have to mow the lawn because it`s gone brown.
Another 10 degrees F and I'd be really comfortable. I might even take my cardigan off.

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