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Digital Banking ?

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anneasquith | 08:40 Thu 02nd May 2013 | ChatterBank
29 Answers
do you use digital banking. how often do you check your account ? TIA


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I check my accounts every day. Its so much easier having them online than having to go to the bank for a balance etc.
No you certainly don't have OCD anne..I check mine about twice a week.
As often as I need to, sometimes 3 or 4 times a day or more.
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PP. actually I do have OCD, but at least daily checks of bank account isn't an issue, thanks to the post ive had,.
I think I probably have OCD too, I regularly go back and check I've shut the field gate and stable doors even though I know I've already done it. I do stop myself most of the time but it's certainly a compelling feeling to.
Oh anne I'm sorry..I didn't mean to make light of your situation. . Having said that though I think we all have a form of ocd :( I wash my hands more than needed!
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PP. don't worry an apology is not needed :0
You let your kids use your card Ummmm? Unwise.

If money goes missing, and the bank find out you have given your PIN number out, they will refuse to compensate.
This is irrespective of who takes the money.
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