Body & Soul
Welcome to Body & Soul: for Health, Healing and Help!
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Took the first tablet last night, slept quite well but really sleepy today as well and constipated. Would it be safe to take every other night instead of every night?? Thanks all
On Monday, had barium meal/swallow x-ray to look at eisophogus & stomach. A few hours later had terrible stabbing pains hight up under right side of ribs. Still experiencing pain on & off... ...
I sometimes think back to my 20's and how short sighted I was and I suppose internally arrogant/assuming eg that id always have my physical fitness etc. I took things more at face value and... ...
Can anyone remember a post a few years ago where someone who worked in a hospital (Ratter ?) wrote of the wastage of nail-clippers which were used once and then discarded instead of being... ...
Why do we keep inventing health problems. A topic on tv this morning was... How to improve the conversation around eating disorders. Answer. Stop being bone idle and get in the kitchen and cook... ...
Is there a good shampoo/conditioner that would help fine flyaway hair? Make it look thicker? Thanks all
According to his most recent publicly available medical bulletin he's about 17 stone plus and 6ft 3. He sounds a bit overweight to me and aparently falls within the obese category. I'm 6ft 2 and a... ...
Had a l-o-n-g appointment at Audiology last week where they gave me hearing aids for tinnitus relief, & a relaxation sound box for night (which is absolutely no use at all, it actually stresses me... ...
david small
I have just been told by my sister that she has cancer of her liver. She was told two year's maximum before succumbing. My question is does anyone else have any experience of this sort of... ...
My wife and I have been approached by two elderly neighbours, who are asking for advice. We don't know how to answer them, so we hope that the AB community will have an answer. The neighbours have... ...
I would like to apply for a scheme they have at work - though I work from home and it still applies. They allow you (through application) to work 9 days very fortnight instead of 10 and you make... ...
Does this give off any electro type of force and is it safe to have a cast iron fireplace, which attracts magnets? Sorry bit of a weird question ....
Had a BP check this afternoon and the nurse said as I have hypertension I need to do a Urine test, I pointed out that I had never done one before and I have been on medication for many years now. ... ...
We have just been awarded one of these toward some nhs costs, what I don't really understand, it says Using the information you gave us in your HC1 claim form, we have worked out, that you, and... ...
Trying to get Mr Google to bring up a table showing different body part x-rays and scans and the associated amount of radiation
Properly investigating a health proplem for as long as possible? It was only after my 4th trip (in 2 months) to A&E with severe abdominable pain that I was eventually given a scan and admitted to... ...
bought an item on line i want to return it but they want a copy of my bank statement by email have no clue thanks to prove the charge so can someone help me how ... ...
i read some where a lot migrants are beggining to leave uk
i joined slimming world last August and last night i got an award for grearest loser in our group i've lost 3st 3lbs ,i'm unable to do my steps now after the fall i had a couple of years back and... ...
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