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craft1948 | 21:12 Wed 17th Jul 2013 | ChatterBank
7 Answers
Am I missing something?

EON have just informed me that they are refunding me £56.36cr that is held on my account, but as from the 1st August will be increasing my DD by £21 a month............


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It's worth negotiating, but maybe they are expecting your bills to rise in Autumn owing to increased use and maybe a planned increase in tariffs?
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That would equate to a 20% increase.................
Well at least they are voluntarily refunding a surplus - that's unusual.
Maybe they use a lower DD value in spring /summer and a higher one in autumn/winter. It's worth pointing out your recent credit balance and suggesting the DD be left unchanged. They can only say no and explain why. Sometimes it's worth being in credit though- some pay a good tax free rate of interest on credit balances. (OVO was 3%)
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EON always refund at the end of every 4 quarters..........
Back in the day when your gas was supplied by British gas we got a gas bill. I must add at the time we were all electric and coal. I ignored the gas bill until we got a red one. I rang them and told them the situation. We then got a letter saying they were coming to cut us off. I laughed and on cut off day went to work anyway. We then got a letter to say they were getting a court order to remove the gas meter. They came with the bailiffs and the police. The street we lived in was built in the 60's, not one house in the street had gas. Did I get an apology, did I eck It was fun though to see the police laughing their heads off.
Jeza I once had that too, guy at the door 'come to cut off your gas' I told him if he could find the meter he was welcome to.

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