We currently only have 1 female cat, she's very docile and is about 12 years old but well and healthy. We will possibly be integrating a year old female cat into the house, are they any tips to try and ensure this is done without too much stress to either cat ? Our existing cat seems to have happily tolerated any odd stray cat coming in the cat flap and wandering around but she went crazy when a friend brought her puppy over.
All help much appreciated
Have a look through the pages on this site http://www.icatcare.org/advice/advice-centre as you will know cats are complex animals so there is no way of knowing how your lady cat will react.
I wish you well ~ get the tetanus jags up to date!
try introducing the new cat in a cat carrier in the room.They can have the chance to "smell " each other out and you can take the next step from there. Slow but sure is always the way with cats :-)