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Happy Birthday Queenofmean

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Ann | 00:05 Sat 20th Jul 2013 | ChatterBank
28 Answers
Have a right, bright sunshine-y day! x


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it was a good guess :) I adore wee Theodore :P

Many thanks Excel :)

the royal baby is overdue - there is a chance you might share your birthday with a prince or princess, if things happen today
fingers crossed :)
Happy Birthday Queenie, hope you have a wonderful day . X X
Thank you Sparkles :)

Been a relatively quiet day just had a small bite of lunch with Nungate and Dad - we plan to do something when the weather isn't so nice as it was too nice to do our usual cinema trip.
Well Queenie, I am so sorry I nearly missed this post ! Blimey , I know it is late but I hope you have a really great Birthday xxx
Happy birthday Queenie, I hope you are having a lovely day.
Thank you Flump and Marval :) xx

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Happy Birthday Queenofmean

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