I am still in the land of the living and came home today. I am sore, tired and in a very pleasant morphine haze.
For those of you that don't know, here is a brief summary.
I have been ill since 31st May and was eventually admitted to hospital nearly 4 weeks ago. After some pretty heavy duty surgery to remove several body parts (including a kidney) I am now sporting an impressive 19" wound held together with staples too numerous to count (these will be auctioned for charity).
I have been kept up to date by some good friends and I thank all of you who have sent good wishes. I am in the process of updating my book ([i]looks meaningfully at tony, zacs & sweaty[i]). Zacs, I know exactly what you mean when you say you had a kipper up Sanders Yard. I just hope the press don't get wind of it.
It is good to be back. xxxxx
Hi mrs_overmissed, great to see that your out Oh gawd, somebody's let her out.However knowing that you are a super model I find that having this op was a bit OTT to keep your size zero !.
Well - HOW did I miss this? Must have been out on Wed eve ......Welcome back Mrs O, glad to have your great humour, wonderful insults and cheerful self gracing our screens once again. You have been in our thoughts all the time, it's great you are home - now take care and don't overdo it! Lots of Love A x