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Pretty Choked :(

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NoMercy | 22:17 Sun 21st Jul 2013 | ChatterBank
32 Answers
Said goodbye to OH tonight as he gets ready to deploy next week. I won't see him again until December. I never imagined it would be this hard.

I'll be okay I reckon, but it'll take me a couple of days to adjust.

Btw...Hi guys, long time, no speak...xx


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NoM could join a choir.......

runs for the door
Nom, bless you, I hope the time flies by and he is soon back. xx
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Sher, no I am not acquainted with any of the other wives in his circle. I've only been to his camp / base once and that was a weekend when no one was there.
That's a shame but I am sure you have plenty of your own friends who will be there for you when you need them (and AB of course - have recently discovered how good ABers are when the Sugar hits the fan).
T'was indeed ;)
Hi NOM, welcome back, you have been missed, the way time is flying at the moment it will seem like next month he will be home,
Hugs Caran.
NoM tough times and it will be hard but it certainly sounds your relationship is strong enough. Take care. ♥
I've never got used to it even after nearly 30 years. But its nice when they get home.
daughter in law(also in army) was on maternity leave when her O/H went over,had 2nd baby whilest Rich was away,baby 3months old when he had r'n'r,Rich been made redundent in December.all best wishes to you & your o/h
awww, poor you Nom but absence makes the heart grow fonder - so they say
this used to happen to me for over six years good old CS used to work 3 months away and one month home of which 3 weeks were hols & one week in the London office, I used to cry all the way from Heathrow to home but after one week would be back in a routine and out with girl friends, the week before he came back I use to be cleaning & cooking and getting everything ready for a happy homecoming even though I used to have to drive to Heathrow in the middle of the night & he would be fast asleep before we ever reached home. I know exactly how you feel NoM, focus on xmas its not too long away.

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