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Good Morning Early Birds!

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waterboatman | 05:01 Mon 22nd Jul 2013 | ChatterBank
74 Answers
It's Monday again. Can't see the hilltop this morning, so the cloud base is under 350 feet. It could be interesting later. I may not have to water the garden this evening. Well, got to be some benefit from it!

Have a happy day everyone.


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not really, workmen right outside at 10.30pm last night, and back again at 6.30am this morning, pees me off no end. not to mention back to physio this morning and a meeting after that, oh well
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A day to forget then em. I hope the physio can help. :o}
Good morning all - looks very thundery here and a very heavy dew down.....get through this and then out with the lawn mower some time this week, some time between all the work items that need tackling.

A great day to all.
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Morning DT. Some weather on it's way!
They have even gone for flood warnings down here!
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Same here, heavy rain on it's way we are told. Overnight the girl has just said.
not sure what it's doing, very heavy and muggy though.
Morning all. A lovely morning here.
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Morning naomi. xxxc It seems the royal sprog is on it's way!
morning all, very humid darn sarf, nothing too report I am still getting over my day at Diggerland and as its going to be another hot day I shall do as little as poss. Have a good day one & all.
"Remember to put the extra stitch in, Doc....."
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Morning Dee xxx Good plan! :o}

Nice one DT! :o}
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Well; time to make a move and go and do something. Have a happy day everyone.
Morning all well looks like summer is coming to an end. Hope we don't get too much rain . Have a nice day all.

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Good Morning Early Birds!

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