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And The Winner Is ..............

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Canary42 | 21:11 Mon 22nd Jul 2013 | ChatterBank
8 Answers


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slackalice, oh well done!

p.s. can you please give me the winning numbers for Saturdays lottery?
Wow SlackAlice that is impressive - are you by chance Prince William incognito?
Can't believe its to the exact moment too LOL ................
slsack alice what do you think the markets will do tomorrow ?
Do i get runner up award for 4pm??

Spooky that. Well done Slack Alice
Very spooky
Just had a beer to celebrate, only wish I had the same luck with Euromillions ☺☺☺
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Sorry murraymints, runner up was vodkancoke with 16:17.

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And The Winner Is ..............

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