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Good Morning Early Birds!

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waterboatman | 05:33 Wed 24th Jul 2013 | ChatterBank
72 Answers
Wednesday. Lots of cloud about, but still no rain to speak of. Apparently Cheltenham was awash yesterday morning, we had about three drops. Carry on watering then!

Have a happy day everyone.


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Morning! Just want to say - glad to hear about your dad, minty. Hope all goes well and also to Rowanwitch. Best wishes x
Number 4 is ten today and shaking with excitement at all his birthday presents. Bless.
Hi, boaty xx
Good Morning WBM and all .going to be another hot day but just enjoy it while it lasts . The storms on Monday night did not cool it much and a few rumbles and downpours yesterday morning.
Minty glad your dad is improved and hope he continues to do so.
Rowan progress will be slow look after yourself and be strong . You will both get through it. Have a nice day all.
Morning pixie x Wendi x thanks for the kind words..
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Morning pix xxx and wendi. xxx
Birthdays are very important at that age! :o}

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minty your dad has you to look after him, he'll be fine! :o}

rowan red has you to look after him, he will be fine too! :o}

Murray, great news about your dad

Rowna, fingers crossed for red. Give him a hug from me xx
I did not meet a soul on the doggy walk last night boaty not even any foxes just a few cats. Rowan I hope things go well for you & yours. Going to hang out the washing now and I have 60 e- mails by jove ! don't think I know 60 people !Have a good day everyone.
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Have a happy day dee. xxxxx :o}

The sun is out, I think I'll get a load of washing on.

Have a happy day everyone.
Bye Dee x bye Boaty x
Bye boaty and dee - I'll have to be moving soon too,
time to go....bye all
Bye DT x be good !

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Good Morning Early Birds!

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