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Communication Example-By Mobile=Text

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17071948 | 11:21 Sat 27th Jul 2013 | Quizzes & Puzzles
12 Answers
Please can you help with some clues.
1Any of E.G.B.D.F.
4.Just to remind you.
5.Done at Epsom.
18.Up in the Heavens.
No numbers given.
Thank you for any help given


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24 Jungle drums ?
13:12 Sat 27th Jul 2013
1 Acronyms?
5 tic tac?
4 Aide-mémoire ?
18 Skywriting ?
1 Note ?
4 post its?
Question Author
Thank you not sure about number 1.
Could you give a few clues too last three.
24.Tarzan use them.
27.Sounds like a lot of birds.
30.Spooky one with letters.
Thank you.
27 tweets
30 aerial=eerie+l
Question Author
Thank you vakayu not sure about 24 the question says tarzan use them.
24 Jungle drums ?
Question Author
Thank you Fibonacci that sounds good sun has melted the brain

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Communication Example-By Mobile=Text

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