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Goodbye Everyone

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excelsior-1 | 11:10 Sat 27th Jul 2013 | ChatterBank
30 Answers

leaving in about ten minutes - starting to turn everything off, including this tablet

have a good couple of weeks folks - i'll be back, sun tanned and heavier, on monday 12th august

σας δούμε στη συνέχεια



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Phew.. when I read the question title I thought it was bad happy it's the opposite.

cupid @ 1131,
I'll bet its a Mankini!
Heaven forbid, Baldric!
It would probably come off on the water chute!
Especially if it's a knitted one.
Gonna miss your jokes, excel! Truly!
Following on from Tilly's question [has he gone yet] , IS HE THERE YET?
gawd, you little minx.
is he away yet - he has been saying goodbye everyone from ten past 11 this morning. He has probably arrived an all. LOL
Don't think the flight is until the early hours of tomorrow.

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Goodbye Everyone

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