I get regular e-mails offering software for instant download at greatly discounted prices and do not really take much interest. However, glancing at one e-mail today I realised that it had several silly spelling mistakes. `Retial` prices, `immediatelly` download etc. and I realised that this one at least was a scam. I hate to think what would happen if I ordered from that site. Does anyone have further knowledge of these thieves and is it advisable to steer clear of any unsolicited e-mail offering low prices?
The mis-spelling is an attempt to get around spam filters - I have set mine up to delete messages containing Viagra, pen*s, pharmacy etc - so they make deliberate mistakes to try to get their messages through, eg v1agra, pen1s, phrmcay etc
There is any awful lot of these emails, fake emails and the like going around now. Some of them look very convincing and I think they are just sent out at random hoping to get our bank details,credit card numbers etc.