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Sent Himself For An Mot ...

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sherrardk | 19:29 Thu 01st Aug 2013 | ChatterBank
9 Answers
... And the doctor said he has made a 'remarkable recovery'. She gave him the sort of advice I imagine doctors give to blokes his age (walk an hour a day, lose weight, eat well, etc) and he needs some tests to check some blood stuff and he has to monitor his blood pressure too. However, he has been extremely lucky and I wanted to say thank you to the people on here that have given me information and sent kind thoughts, so thank you very much, x.


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Right then sherr, good news that, he's on the road to recovery now.
It sounds good news, well done all of you for going through it all and coming out the other side.
Good to hear he's doing OK.

Hope you are looking after yourself too!
great news sher, im so glad he went to gp. maybe now you can take a much needed deep breath..:)
Great news sherr, you're doing a great job, onwards and upwards, you take care as well xx
Great news for you both sherr, brilliant outcome after the horrible thing you have been through. xx
Brilliant news, glad he's mending well :)
So pleased for you both, now the pressure has lightened on you.
Great news that Mr s is so much better, must be a great relief to you aswell.
Hope you all get a chance to relax and enjoy the summer. X

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