Had a hospital outpatients appointment yesterday and while in the waiting room noticed a number of nurses and admin staff filling plastic bottles from the chilled water dispenser. Seemed pretty unhygienic to me. Am I over reacting?
Wouldn't bother me, not bad enough to worry about.
What does bother me is on a food buffet table where there are dips, breadsticks, carrot sticks etc. The number of people I see standing chatting near the table, absent mindedly dipping a breadstick in the dip then biting it and dipping the stick back in - sometimes dozens of people are doing this at the same time, now that IS unhygenic and I will never eat from a "communal dip" now ............. :(
Remember those old Westerns of long ago in which the cowboys, after a hard day's work, would gather around the water bucket and quench their thirst (no, they didn't "rehydrate" themselves: they quenched their thirst) by passing the good old ladle around? They never actually showed on the film how many cowpokes slunk away behind the mesa and suffered an agonizing death due to cross-contamination did they?