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frameshift | 05:25 Sat 03rd Aug 2013 | Crosswords
11 Answers
Last one. 7d Pink-and-white heroine of Victorian fairy story (7) R?S?L?A
I'm beginning to think that this is RUSALKA, but I don't see the pink-and-white connection to the opera. Any ideas? Thanks.


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think it might be
Question Author
Yes, I'd thought of that, but again I can't see the connection and being TLS a czeckeslovakian opera seemed likely.
pink and white rose...
other than that no idea.
Question Author
I'm going to with it, but ................ Thanks.
Question Author
Well I got two wrong. There's an alternative spelling for 4d and maybe Rosalia may be wrong, also. I can't see any other candidate. Can't wait for the solution.
Have you discounted the Rosalba suggestion on your other thread?
There is a reference here

However I can't see the pink and white connection.

Rosalia does mean rose and I assume there's a pink and white one called Rosalia, but i can't see a reference to Rosalia in fairy stories
Sorry- your last post wasn't there when I started typing mine.
Rosalba - (Rose + Alba) from Thackeray's fairy story the Rose and the Ring...
That will teach me to have a cup of coffee before replying!
...and should have explained Alba=white in Latin.

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