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Asking For Help!

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TWR | 19:24 Fri 02nd Aug 2013 | ChatterBank
50 Answers
Are you proud? at times we all could use some help! Couldn't we? Would you?


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Can't remember what I wanted now T, might have been assistance with what the devil TWR was on about.....
I have tried the suggestions but to no avail but I have a new plan. Going to use the little pool as a 'bowl' and inflate just the broken bit of the big pool and treat it like a bike tyre (it's a bit big, the garden is v small and I'm 5" and a fart - but I am led to believe that god loves a trier!). If all else fails, I will just have to get another one, not the end of the world but I hate to fail.
Right shoota, I'm afraid that I can be of no assistance then !.
That sounds like a good plan, sherr. That ought find the puncture.
you'll be lucky to find any in the shops sherr
Everybody has a problem opening a jar at sometime. Well not if you own a jar key....they are cheap, space saving and 100% effective. If you don't know what they are go into eBay and search for one......
generally I tend to cope without help, I would ask for help but it would almost certainly be the last resort when I do.
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Whaaaaaaa my post has been hi Jacked Whaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa
You need help, TWR...;-)
I must admit I try to resolve things myself if I can, but I'm certainly not too proud to ask for help when I need it. Or to admit I'm wrong if I am. Or to apologise if I've made a mistake.

Jeza, I sympathise, my sister promised her late husband that he wouldn't have to go into institutionalised care before he died. He didn't - but i could see the toll it took on her.

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