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They Were Dire When They First Came Out And No Versace Makeover Is Going To Improve Them...

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sandyRoe | 14:01 Mon 05th Aug 2013 | ChatterBank
8 Answers
Versace are offering their take on the string vest at a price of around £100 according to an item on the MSN home page. Who in their right mind would buy them?


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Eh ? link please sandy
MSN ..

Motor Sycle News ??

Well, vests were quite popular at the party on Saturday.

What are Versace doing with them?

Aha, okay ... The Funicular-friday-versace-fall-2013.html

Heeey, wait a minute ... that look is more JPG. Are Versace doing a little poaching?

Okay, guys, not good. They look good on girls. Mixed with a grungy pair of combats. I might have to go shopping.
Oh, okay. The Versace link won't get past the AB censor. That's strict!
Link doesn't work, jj.
The AB censor has deleted w t f from the link.

Well done, jno ...

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They Were Dire When They First Came Out And No Versace Makeover Is Going To Improve Them...

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