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Dratted Flies!

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kloofnek | 12:36 Mon 05th Aug 2013 | ChatterBank
27 Answers
Has anyone noticed that there seems to be more flies around this years,I am forever chasing them.I use Raid which is very good,it makes them very drowsy and easy to swot,if they have not already died from the spray.

They are so annoying buzzing past one,especially when watching tv.


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I disagree, you have to be in to swat them but the fly papers work without you being there.
The fly papers are the best. No effort required with swatting etc :)

They are dirt cheap but I have to warn against anyone who is infirm putting them up, that could be a hazard, in that case a swatter would be better.
Personally, I think fly papers look disgusting - but the swatter works. Flies are never a problem for long in my house. As soon as one is spotted it's a dead duck - so to speak. ;o)
We were just inundated with them a week or so back, it was like a swarm of locusts.I agree, not aesthetically pleasing but we couldn't have dealt with them individually, it would have looked like a cartoon :)

They're coming down today, think the change in the weather has likely killed them off...I have more in case though !!
yep, there is my 5th one - ye baskets.
Kloof - spiders eat flies.
Question Author
Sorry didn`t get back to you sooner,Conne...was busy swatting flies..LOL.
Will take a look in Poundland...really need to get one.
Thanks for looking.

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