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Driving Test Survey

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BlueToffee | 20:40 Wed 07th Aug 2013 | ChatterBank
12 Answers
I took my test in Chester in 1961, I reversed round the corner, managing to get all 4 wheels over the kerb. Thought, 'Well, that's me failed' and took the rest of the test as a lesson.

I passed!


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When I took my first test I failed before I even left the test centre (although I didn't realise) as I was doing a bay park and didnt turn my head enough.

Failed second test for hitting a curb while parallel parking.

My thirst test, which I considered my worst, I passed with flying colours.
Hi,EvianBaby,parallel parking wasn't part of the driving test in 1968 when I passed the test,thank goodness.I think I tried it once after I passed, made a proper mess of it and have never ever done it again.Amazing the lengths I go to to
I only got two marks on my whole sheet and that was for not looking in the mirrors enough. I was, he wasn't paying enough attention :-)
I failed first time for not moving my head deliberately enough to look in the RV mirror. Second time, I made a great show of doing so.
Driving a coach between parked cars and met a car coming towards me, we both stopped and sat looking at each other for a while, I then got out and politely explained that it would be better if she could reverse rather than me reverse the coach as I now had cars stopped behind me. She then explained that she was unable to reverse and would I mind moving her car back,which I did, while she walked alongside explaining that she never ever reverses as it is too difficult for her..
My mate's Mrs ran over a dog on the reverse turn.....Fail...
My mate took off from the very first junction with the handbrake on.
I carefully explained to one of my examiners that I couldn't pull over where he had asked me to, because I'd be blocking someone's drive, and he replied "I'm surprised you're bothered about this when you haven't taken any notice of the lane markings on the dual carriageway". :-(
I went through a red light on my first test. Passed 2nd time, even though i had the same examiner who said he remembered me from last time :-\
On my test I drove half way up a hill and stopped to wait for the lights to turn right, and I stalled the car, but quickly calmly switched engine back on and thought --FAIL. But hey I passed first time.
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