I recently sprained an ankle and the swelling has just about gone. I was saying to Mr O that my slender ankles are about the only part of my body I have always been happy with.
He thoughtfully looked me up and down and then said "You still have nice hair."
Do you think the romance has gone? lol
I once said to my husband (when he had a car which he sometimes raced) - if you had to choose between me and that car what would it be?
He paused for a long time and said (in his never lost Italian accent) "It would be very deeffecult"
Snags, there are a few sugar snap peas because I didnt use all of them. They are, as you saw, uncooked and still in the torn cellophane.
(this is becoming slightly unnerving!)
Gness, i got all dolled up to go out for the evening once, new outfit, make-up, nice perfume the lot. My OH was driving me to where i had to go. I said to him "Can you smell my perfume"
He replied " No, all i can smell is axle grease" (From the car!)
Men are great, arent they! LOL
Ihavent laughed so much since my s-i-l put a pair of her pants on her washing line and her OH told her to be careful cos light aircraft were circleing round it thinking it was a windsock!!!