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Ker Blam

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joggerjayne | 10:49 Mon 12th Aug 2013 | ChatterBank
29 Answers
Glorious Twelfth ...

How long does it take for the grouse to get down to the south coast?

In time for dinner tomorrow, maybe?

Ker Blam ... wooo! ... yummers!


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Quick on the draw today, Baldric! :-)
There are trout farms where the fish are bred for people to catch as sport and then eaten (either by the person who catches them or via local restaurants) There are grouse that are bred to be caught for sport and then eaten. There is no difference.
237SJ - Do a bit of research n Grouse shooting before making silly comparisons. Grouse are chased towards the guns by beaters with sticks who start off in a line behind the Grouse and beat the ground with sticks to make the birds fly up -into the path of the Guns who are in line -its not even sport -its more like a massacre. I've been to a couple of trout lakes and never seen the employees chasing the trout aroiund the lake into waiting fishing nets . A true sports fisherman would laugh at the fact you think going to a trout lake is 'sport' -lots of sporting fishermen actually put the fish back.
I agree that any kind of gamebird shooting is not sport unless you call it bloodsport. They are indeed herded into a corner by beaters. It's not a cull either which may make the pro argument more weighty. I thought in the large majority of sport fishing the fish were returned to the water.
How about clay pigeon shooting. That's not cruel!
That's what I do, Cupid...but sadly it isn't enough for those who need to kill a living animal for the pleasure it gives....can't imagine feeling like that but when I was asked to join the gun club and met some of the members I realised we wouldn't get on.
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But they are just so tasty.
No wonder grouse are easy to catch: all one has to look for is a whisky bottle and, boom, boom, bagged one.
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lol x

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