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Operation Yewtree And Celebrities

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hc4361 | 22:43 Mon 12th Aug 2013 | ChatterBank
26 Answers
If you were a celebrity of the same age as somebody reportedly arrested under Operation Yewtree would you be tempted to take to social media such as Twitter and shout - IT AIN'T ME!

It must be tempting for celebs, especially if they see their name wrongly banded about.


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@ PP But with Stuart Hall, there was more than one alleged victim wasn't there? So that is a form of corroboration over and above the "He said She Said" of just one victim.

Going back to your comments regarding the incidence of reporting of rape - Was it better when only an estimated 2% of all rape attacks were reported?

And we all know that celebrities and the powerful and the monied will get followers, that's never been at issue.

The real question is why such men cannot keep their dick in their pants when the age of the putative partner is at all close to the legal minimum, and they are in their 30's, 40's 50's or more? Grown men, with life experience, in other words. And the answer to that is because of a strong sense of entitlement and ego, coupled with a self imposed moral blindness - they choose to close their eyes to the possible repercussions,possible harms merely to satisfy their own gratifications.
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Thanks all for the posts. I wish there were some sort of 100% infallible lie detector test, but of course there isn't.
It would make these cases a whole lot easier.
The reason these men cannot keep there d*** (I am refined!) in their pants is cos they think they are all powerful and it is a power trip. Look at Rolf, he's had 3 more accusations against him. Seems to me they were all at it, and I knew nothing of it!
"Look at Rolf" Did I miss the trial?
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I wouldn't be at all surprised if Rolf Harris doesn't make it to the trial.
why is he ill ?

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