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Must Start Putting The Light On

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sherrardk | 22:48 Wed 14th Aug 2013 | ChatterBank
12 Answers
Just took a sip of my drink to find an earwig in it (only discovered the f***ing thing as it went into my mouth). Yuck!


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Did you spit or swallow? ;-)
Did anyone film it?
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I spat - bizarrely I was relieved it wasn't a slug!
Is hairy ears a fashion statement? :P

Yon horny gollachs are full of protein.
Don't you just hate it when that happens. Are you vegetarian, then, lol!
I know how you feel. I was at a dinner party, picked my wine glass up, took a sip, and found a bluebottle in my mouth! Horrible!!! I have to say I wasn't too delicate in ejecting it! Lucky the napkin was handy!
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I've got a clean glass now and there's a piece of kitchen roll over it - made me feel a bit queasy (doesn't take much).
Did you squeeze the bugger and say "spit it out"?!!!!
I had the same with a daddy-long-legs a couple of weeks ago. Blasted insects will do anything to get their fix of alcohol. Well they're not having mine.
I opened a tin of Sprite while watching a game of bowls, I'd had a couple of sips and put the tin down at the side of me. Good job I looked first before I had another drink it was full of dead wasps.
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AYG, that is the worst, I would have died.

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