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I Should Be Surprised

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excelsior-1 | 15:33 Wed 14th Aug 2013 | ChatterBank
23 Answers

but i'm not - - - bear in mind that we are in the middle of the summer holiday season

i worked in the goods-in department at work today (supermarket distribution warehouse), and took delivery of loads of new stock from a supplier

it was christmas stock


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Most of the fashion houses have already shot their Christmas catalogue and website portfolios. Over the past few weeks, country houses all around have been festooned with Christmas trees, fairy lights, roaring log fires, fake snow, and models in wooly jumpers, trying not to sweat too much.
No been members for years, wasn't really surprised but I expected festive stock to start appearing next month. A friend of my daughter has all her gifts bought
and wrapped! It's easy to go off some people! ;-)
oh nungate, my quesion was directed at the OP, but I'm a bit like your friends, I buy most of my 'big' pressies in summer and up to mid september, the rest are just in case i forgot someone pressies and I know it annoys my taxi driver (in relation to your comment It's easy to go off some people! ;-)

she hates me by september/october ha

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