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Here's Hoping All The A Level Students Waiting For The Exam Results This Morning Get...

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sandyRoe | 06:52 Thu 15th Aug 2013 | ChatterBank
12 Answers
...the results they need.


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Yes, good luck to them.
The ones that were on daybreak (that I saw) got what they wanted so well done.
Just hope they can get a foothold in a career that does their education justice. From what I've witnessed a decent education is a poor relation to the ethos of 'being in the right place at the right time' and 'its not what you know, its who you know'
yes good luck to the students today, its hard work, I hope they get what they need.
Its a pity that education does not teach common sense - every time we have a new intake of graduates I seriously want to shake them!!
if only we didn't have to see them on tv - group hugs, OMGs - it's all so american
if you think thats american, you should see the proms!
I hope that some stuffed shirt of a politician doesn't get on the news and start banging about how standards have dropped which is why there are more passes than last year. Because it happens very blo0dy year !
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I think they're starting to, fgt. Mine have psce (personal, social, citizenship education). They do budgeting, employment, CVs, interviews, drug/alcohol abuse, racism, sexism. Maybe not common sense, exactly, but helpful for the "real world."
That sounds good pixie - it can be so frustrating at times!
And, yes, good luck to anyone waiting x

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