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BobbyBobBob | 14:28 Thu 15th Aug 2013 | ChatterBank
4 Answers
What's the best book to buy for a complete beginner with yoga?


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I wouldn't buy a book at all, I'd enrol for a beginner's class.
yoga for beginners ? :)
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I'd advise going to classes to make sure you are doing it right and you can address any issues you may have with an expert.

I used to do it and remember always finding it difficult to do positions where there was weight on my arms. I did a Hatha yoga class - great, nice and slow and gentle and focussed on technique. The showed me how to balance my weight better to help me get in the right position.

I'd avoid Ashtanga - it's power yoga. I'd done it before and went to a class to see what it was about and OMG, as well as being full of yoga snobs I couldn't lift my arms up for about a week after!

There is a lot of hot yoga about at the moment but, again, best to get the technique right first.

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