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When I First Started Grammar School

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DJHawkes | 22:49 Fri 16th Aug 2013 | ChatterBank
76 Answers
there was a pocket in my navy blue gym knickers, what was i supposed to keep in it?


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Doh, snitch.
I remember having one of those horrid tennis skirts [with velcro that stuck to your skin, not me bits thankfully!
The communal showers were in the gym changing rooms at our school.
Velcro - crumbs, you were modern!

We had nasty navy blue divided skirts for PE.
pockets in knickers? i learn something every day
The correct answer is, of course, "your dinner money"
No boxy, that would have been tied into the corner of your hanky by your mom.
I kept the front door key in mine 'cos I was a latchkey child.
My dad paid by the term for school dinners [by cheque] .Probably thought I'd spend it down the chippy if he paid cash. Probably right. Lots of kids did that.
I used to, cupid.
Anyhoo, us lads didn't have pants with pockets in them !.
No tony, I had to take five shillings in every Monday morning for my dinners.

Monday dinner money
Weds National Savings (remember the savings stamps with the pics of Baby Prince Charles and Baby Princess Anne?)
Thursday - some charitable collection thingy
Friday (I forget)
Your dad had a cheque book cupid? That's posh!
Ah yes boxy, the five bob dinner money.
Did your teachers do what ours did, wear thick jackets, hats, gloves for winter netball sessions, saying Come on girls keep running, it's not cold! The bitter wind was screaming across the Croal valley, where the A666 runs now.
Five bob that was at primary school,it was 75p a week at seniors.

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