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Seriously Serious Rant

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DJHawkes | 23:34 Fri 16th Aug 2013 | ChatterBank
24 Answers
It's the free lego givaway with the daily mail tomorrow, and all next week, there is hell on earth and it's name is freelego. People queue at daft o'clock in the mornign to pay for a newspaper and get a free crap toy, it's one of the daftest things i have ever come across, and I'm from Mytholmroyd.


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Free toys? For Mail readers? Now there's a surprise.
£10 Hopkirk? - I only have to spend a fiver in the week to get a free DM, has it changed?
i think DJ is an undercover rep for the daily mail
I think you are right, Boxy.

I think to get the Lego you have to go to W H Smith.

I won't be going.

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