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Another Caption Competition

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excelsior-1 | 23:03 Fri 23rd Aug 2013 | ChatterBank
20 Answers

with respects and apologies to Ric.ror

here is another one - i am actually going to use this one in a quiz night i am hosting in october

let's see how imaginative you can be



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'Passengers relieved themselves after safe landing with easy jet'
23:36 Fri 23rd Aug 2013
I've heard of jet wash but this is ridiculous.
" said damp conditions on runway L2...over"
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whoops! i meant to apologise to Maydup

"Arrived Venice,
Runways flooded,
Please advise!"
"Ladies and gentlemen, you may unfasten your seat belts: We anticipate clear sailing for the rest of the journey."
That will teach us not to take on Ryanair's sacked pilots.
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new initiative introduced by easyjet..."we fly you directly to the beach"
Nothing to apologise for Excel. Good game!
[i]Passengers this is your pilot speaking. Easy Jet take no responsibility for the plane landing in this huge and very deep body of water. However we are pleased to advise that Wellington boots can be hired at the attractive rate of only £10 for half a day[i]
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keep them coming folks - choosing best answer will be an interesting dilemma
"EasyWet" - budget ferries
Easy Jet is now offering fly-fishing charters.
'Passengers relieved themselves after safe landing with easy jet'
The Tom Tom said turn right in five yards.
Wohoo, thanks Excel.
"This is the last time I'll listen to the SatNav".
"This your Captain speaking, I've just got to take a 'comfort' break and then we shall take off....oops"
That's a weird looking ferry.
Flying with Easy Jet. Plain sailing.
Question Author

thoroughly merited, Arksided - well done

look out for the next one tomorrow

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Another Caption Competition

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